Tools to Help Clean Your Laser Toner Cartridge

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What tools will I need to clean my laser toner cartridge?

Tools to Help Clean Your Laser Toner Cartridge

If you have had your copier for some time, chances are that your laser toner cartridge is due for a cleaning. Cleaning refillable laser toner cartridges is essential to extending the quality and life of your copier or printer. Here are a few tools that you will want handy when you are cleaning your cartridge.

A Mask – The particles that gather in a laser toner cartridge are toxic and should never be inhaled. Use a mask that can filter fine particles and odors. These are easily found in the painting section of your local hardware store.

Jars of Compressed Air – The black powder that is the laser toner inside the cartridge is very fine and is easiest to just blow away with a can of compressed air.

Cotton Swabs & Alcohol – Using these two pieces in combination is the best way to get all of the toner out of the cartridge. The alcohol will get the cartridge clean and ready for the refill.

Look for recommended cleaning instructions for your particular laser toner cartridge in your manual. No matter what type of copier you have, each of the tools above will be essential.



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